Manipulation of human consciousness is based on the substitution of concepts. Substitution of concepts is possible only in the absence of clear criteria for assessing the characteristics and classification of objects.
This is also possible when people do not know how to distinguish between primary and secondary features of the object.
For example, some people consider dolphins to be fish only because they are similar in shape to fish and live in a marine environment. But if we take not these secondary features, but the main ones, it turns out that dolphins are mammals, not fish. Because dolphins, like all mammals, give birth to their cubs alive and feed them breast milk. Dolphins also breathe atmospheric air, like all mammals. Fish lay caviar and breathe with their gills using oxygen dissolved in water.
Similarly, all other objects should be classified based on the main features, not on the secondary. This applies to the classification of ideologies.
As for ideology, there are also primary concepts and secondary (derivatives).
The concept of HUMAN is
primary. After all, people (humans) appeared
first, and then states. PEOPLE (HUMANS) create
goods, objects and tools that they use to meet their needs. STATES do not create anything.
ETHNOS (PEOPLE) organizes their social life according to certain rules. In other words, ETHNOS (PEOPLE, NAROD) create tools for organizing their social life.
One such tool is the STATE. Therefore, the concept of STATE is secondary to the concepts of ETHNOS (PEOPLE, NAROD) and HUMAN.
All people on Earth are divided into two categories: 1) CREOLS; 2) ETHNOS (INDIGENOUS PEOPLES, NAROD)) (definition of these concepts at the end of the article).
Hence there are two types of STATES (depending on who creates these states): 1) CREOLE STATE; 2) THE STATE OF THE INDIGENOUS PEOPLES (ETHNOS, NAROD)).
In international law and international practice, the concepts of "state" and "nation" are identical. In other words, these concepts are absolute legal synonyms.
There are also two types of nations: 1 CREOL NATION. 2) ETHNIC NATION.
A CREOL NATION is being formed in a CREOL STATE (definition at the end of the article). The name of a Creole nation can have different origins: from the geographical name, the borrowed name of the occupied indigenous people or others.
If a state is created by an ETHNOS (INDIGENOUS PEOPLES), then in its ethnic state the ETHNOS (ETHNOS, NAROD, INDIGENOUS PEOPLES) becomes an ETHNIC NATION. The name of an ethnic nation coincides (repeats) with the self-name of the indigenous peoples who became an ethnic nation. At the same time, the ETHNOS (PEOPLE, NAROD, INDIGENOUS PEOPLE) continue to remain an ethnos (people, narod), but continue to exist in the form of an ETHNIC NATION.
Hence there are two types of ideologies of nationalism: 1) CREOLIAN NATIONALISM; 2) ETHNIC NATIONALISM (ETHNALISM).
These two types differ in principle. 1. Attitude to
the concepts of HUMAN, ETHNOS (PEOPLE, NAROD), STATE (NATION). 2. On what worldview
is based the type of ideology of nationalism.
Other features are secondary. According to these
secondary features, the classification is already in the middle of the types of
For ETHNIC NATIONALISM (ETHNALISM) the concepts of ETHNOS (PEOPLE, NAROD) and HUMAN are primary. ETHNOS (PEOPLE, NAROD) consists only of HUMANS. The state is created by people (humans). That is why "state" is a secondary concept. "State" - is a tool through which humans - human society - ethnos (people) achieves its goal and meets their human needs. "State" is a form of organization of human society.
ETHNIC NATIONALISM treats the STATE as a tool that, in case of inconsistency with the set goals and objectives, simply needs to be replaced by a more appropriate tool.
CREOLIAN NATIONALISM is based on the Jewish worldview, which makes people (humans) slaves to the Jews.
ETHNIC NATIONALISM is based on an ethnic worldview that makes people (humans) free.
Therefore, in the classification of the ideology of nationalism, attention should be paid primarily to who creates the state and the nation, as well as on what worldview this ideology is built. We should also pay attention to whose interests it serves and whose interests (Creoles or indigenous peoples) are actually (and not in words) protected by one or another ideology of nationalism.
are different concepts and different objects of nature. The difference between
these objects is at the genetic level and in the way they are formed.
1. " ETHNOS (PEOPLE, NAROD) is a community of such representatives (population) of the biological species" homo sapiens ", which are blood relatives and come from common ancestors. (Ethnos (indigenous peoples) are characterized by genetic homogeneity and uniformity of biological traits (skin color, eyes, hair, blood type, skull structure, etc.).
2. "NATION (CREOLIAN) - is an artificially formed community based on the population (citizens of the Creole state) of representatives of different ethnic groups who have given up their Ethnos (people) in favor of the Creole nation. (A Creole nation is characterized by genetic diversity and heterogeneity of biological traits (skin color, eyes, hair, blood type, skull structure, etc.)". PS. Since the Creole nation consists of representatives of different ethnic groups, along with the name of the Creole nationality should indicate the ethnic origin. For example, "American of Japanese descent", "American of Jewish descent", "American of Finnish descent", and so on.
3. “Indigenous peoples are ethnos (peoples) who lived on their lands before the arrival of immigrants from other areas; or are the genetic descendants of those who inhabited a country or geographical area, when there began to move representatives of other cultures and ethnic origins, and later the latter took a dominant position through conquest, occupation, colonization, etc. "
4. "Creoles
are the descendants of colonizers (regardless of ethnic origin) and mestizos
between colonizers and indigenous peoples (who sided with the
6. Human
- a representative of the biological species "Homo sapiens".
Vlad Koros
Author's translation into English from
(I apologize for possible inaccuracies in the
translation. This is due to the fact that in English there is no word that can
accurately convey the meaning of the Ukrainian word «NAROD»).
The Ukrainian
word «NAROD» corresponds to the scientific term "population of
the biological species" homo sapiens ".
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